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Dragon Champions Tier List 2024- Find the Best Hero Ranking

Dragon Champions is a role-playing strategy game available for mobile platforms. In a fantasy-themed turn-based game, you make a team of mythical fighters of different classes. It has strategy gameplay where you must choose what type of army you should make and how to use their powers.

You can choose from nine species: Humans, Elves, Pandas, Gnomes, half-pigs, Orcs, Goblin, Pride, and Demons. It does not matter what species you choose; you can go on with whatever you feel comfortable with. Then, there are six types of heroes as of their roles and powers: warriors, rangers, rouges, mages, defenders, and healers. You can unlock these heroes by collecting some stones you can get by completing tasks. You can also use coins to buy them directly from the store.

Dragon Champions Tire list

In this list, heroes are in five tires. The SS are the most powerful ones.








Hardorc Punch in Teeth, Power Solo, Devil’s Horns, Wall of sound
Hera Precision Strike, Sherd, Oasis Shadows, Cat’s Stealth, and Submission Hold.
Kaira’s  primary attack arrow is Chaos, their second Hail of Arrows, then Go Dark and can do Sudden Attack.
Kin Li Blade of Fury, Jade Wave, Taunt, Spiritual Recovery, and The lord of the House.
Nightiel Moon and Star, Viel of Silence, Midnight Glow, Night Priestess, and Invoking the Moon.
Patriarch Qi Dragon Strike, Fortitude, Meditation, Crane Technique, and Sensei
Renara Allies Healing
Salvador Strike of the Fifth, Come at me, Steel shell, and Power of Ancient.
Thalanne Dirty Trick, Shadow Strike, Blade Furry, and Haterd.
Xantara Hell’s whip, sacrifice, kiss to Death, Demonic Metabolism

Tier S list of champions

They are less powerful than SS heroes, but still a good pick.











Amber It can deal significant magic damage with stun and burn effects.
Freezard It attacks with Magic Damage and a slowdown effect. It can recover health.
General Murdock It deals physical damage and additional damage to goblins—korkhrimThis
is attacks with magic harm and stun effects.
Little Batty It deals excellent physical damage and reduces movement speed. It can also shield itself.
Megawheel It can bear much damage but does not have many powerful attacks.
Mor’Doom It deals magic damage, calls additional units, and destroys armor.
Rantha It gives physical damage, calls other alliances, and taunts enemies—revolIt It attacks with physical harm.
Shadar It attacks with Magic damage weakens armor, and stuns enemies.
Snorry It causes physical damage and causes bleeding for additional damage.
Solius It deals excellent magic damage and increases armor. Attacks with physical damage. Taunts enemies and counterattacks.
Venomate It gives bonus damage in alliance with Kiara, which often deals magic damage with critical effects.
Wonder Lula Physical damage with invisibility.

Tier A champion list

These champions are less potent than S and SS. Select them if you do not have others.

Tier Hero







Eric Shield breaker
Major Shott
Master Duo
Old Loor
Puncher Face
Seargent pigwald
Shao Lin

Tier B list of champions

Tier Hero





Tier C list of champions




Robin Bad
Voiran, the trickster

Final words

Above is our recommended tier list for Dragon champions. Now, make your team according to it. For more guides, please explore our site.